About us



Welcome to The White Post, your premier online news portal dedicated to providing timely, relevant, and insightful news for Pakistanis both within the nation and across borders. Our mission is rooted in the values of democracy, pluralism, peace, and prosperity, as we strive to amplify the voices of the marginalized and underserved communities.

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, The White Post emerges as a beacon of unbiased journalism, committed to fostering a democratic society where diverse perspectives are not only acknowledged but celebrated. Our platform aims to keep its readers informed about the issues that matter most, reflecting the rich tapestry of our nation’s cultural, social, and political landscape.

The White Post, also recognize the importance of inclusivity, seeking to uplift the stories and concerns of marginalized communities. Our commitment extends beyond conventional news reporting; we aspire to be a catalyst for positive change, promoting understanding, unity, and progress.

Join us on this journey towards a more informed, connected, and empowered Pakistan. Together, let’s build a narrative that reflects the aspirations of a democratic, pluralistic, peaceful, and prosperous nation. Welcome to “The White Post” – Where Every Voice Matters.

Out brief Description:

The White Post is not your typical news source. Instead of chasing breaking news, we prioritize in-depth investigative journalism, focusing on the context and significance of events. We cover news without engaging in political theatrics or narrative wars, choosing to report real stories from real places and people.

Standing with the marginalized, we amplify voices from society’s edges, acknowledging the inherent partiality of journalism. Our reports are fact-checked with respect for privacy and security. The White Post is committed to public interest journalism, driven by a community-centric approach rather than catering to commercial interests.


The White Post, visions an inclusive Pakistan where every individual is acknowledged and valued. We are dedicated to dismantling the processes of marginalization and exclusion, advocating for inclusion and mainstreaming. Our vision revolves around elevating issues affecting those on the peripheries of power, bringing them into the forefront of social and political discussions.

Marginality, for us, is measured by an individual’s or community’s relative distance from the center of power, transcending geographic boundaries. Whether residing in non-metro areas or facing discrimination based on various factors, we aim to amplify voices and stories that challenge societal norms.

Additionally, we focus on marginalized issues and ideas that diverge from the interests of those in power, ensuring a comprehensive approach to our coverage at The White Post.


The White Post, recognize the unparalleled influence of news media as a potent tool for mainstreaming voices from the margins of power, shaping both political and social discourses. In an era marked by widespread internet access and digital literacy, we believe that digital news outlets hold the key to steering these narratives effectively.

Crucially, we are committed to maintaining our independence by resisting the lure of support from both corporate entities and the elite. Instead, we rely on an alternative source – our community.

This community comprises individuals who share our ideas and ideals, actively supporting us in various ways. We are excited to open a digital door, fostering interaction and engagement with this community as we embark on this journey at The White Post.

Our Community:

The White Post community is an evolving collective that embraces readers and viewers sharing our vision and eager to contribute to our mission. Support from this community extends beyond financial assistance; a simple act like regular visits to our website to engage with our content is immensely valuable.

White Post, community members have the opportunity to rate our stories, advocate on our behalf, provide constructive suggestions for enhancing our work, and respond to calls for assistance in developing stories. We are committed to maintaining an active and engaging relationship with our community, actively listening to their views and facilitating online interactions through our website. As we continue to evolve, we have extensive plans to deepen our engagement, unfolding these initiatives as our capacity and resources grow.

Given that the concept of fostering a supportive community around a news platform is innovative in the Pakistani media landscape, we recognize the need for continual refinement and improvement. We welcome suggestions from The White Post community members on strengthening our relationship and making it a driving force in achieving our shared goals.