News Desk

Islamabad: Archbishop Dr. Arshad Joseph, accompanied by senior PML-N leader Senator Khalil Tahir Sindhu, visited the family of soldier Haroon William, who was martyred in Karam Agency. They met with Haroon William’s father and other family members to offer their condolences and support during this difficult time.

During the visit, Senator Khalil Tahir Sindhu commended Haroon William’s bravery and dedication. He stated that William’s sacrifice has elevated the pride of the entire Christian community. Sindhu also emphasized the significance of the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Army Chief attending the funeral, highlighting that the sacrifices of Christians in defending and stabilizing Pakistan are invaluable and cannot be ignored.


Archbishop Dr. Arshad Joseph expressed deep sympathy for the family and offered prayers for their solace and for the eternal peace of Haroon William. He praised the martyr’s dedication to his duty and his country, acknowledging the profound impact of his sacrifice.

He further noted that the recognition of Haroon William’s sacrifice by the highest levels of government and military leadership is a testament to the significant contributions of Christians in Pakistan. The Archbishop assured the family of the continued support of the church and the broader Christian community, emphasizing that they are not alone in their grief and that Haroon William’s legacy will be honored and remembered.

The visit concluded with a prayer led by Archbishop Dr. Arshad Joseph, asking for divine comfort for the family and eternal rest for the martyr.

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