News Desk

Sahiwal, August 18, 2024:

The Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) hosted an awareness seminar on the “Church and the Christian Marriage Act 1872 & Amendments” in Sahiwal. The event was organized to discuss and reflect on recent changes to the law, specifically the amendments related to the age of consent for marriage.

The seminar was facilitated by Bishop Waseem Anjum Bhatti, Advocate and National President of AFM Church in Pakistan. Attendees included leaders from various denominations, including the AFM Church, Catholic Church, Church of Pakistan, ARP Church, and The Salvation Army Church, as well as other ministry leaders. Each participant shared valuable insights during the discussions.

One of the key points raised during the seminar was the question of the necessity of the age amendment in the Christian Marriage Act of 1872. Participants noted that churches already solemnize marriages for Christians who possess a Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC). The amendment in question requires parental consent for marriages involving individuals under the age of 21, as outlined in Section 19 of the Act. It was emphasized that this change in the law is unrelated to issues of forced conversion or forced marriage in other religions.

The seminar concluded with the passage of a resolution, urging every church to take active steps to protect the personal rights of Christian minorities and oppressed communities in Pakistan. This resolution calls for raising awareness and building the capacity of pastors, teachers, and community workers to better serve their communities.

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