News Desk

11 August 2024, Lahore:

As Pakistan marks Minority Rights Day on August 11th, Most Rev. Dr. Bishop Azad Marshall delivered a powerful message reflecting on Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s vision for the nation.

In his address, Bishop Marshall emphasized, “On this day, we thank God for the vision of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. He envisioned a nation where minorities would no longer be seen as minorities, but as citizens enjoying equal freedom and rights, regardless of religion, caste, or creed, contributing fully to the growth and development of our beloved Pakistan.”

Bishop Marshall further highlighted the crucial role of the Christian community in the nation’s history, stating, “Today, we honor our Christian brothers and sisters who have proudly played their part in nation-building. Their dedication and martyrdom are a testament to their unwavering commitment to Pakistan. Our Christian citizens, along with other minorities, have contributed immensely to the growth and development of our beloved Pakistan. Their bravery and sacrifice in defending the nation are actions that speak to their steadfast devotion. We must never forget their sacrifices as we continue to strive for the Pakistan that Quaid-e-Azam envisioned—a nation where every citizen, regardless of religion, caste, or creed, enjoys equal rights and freedom.”

The Bishop’s message highlighted the importance of acknowledging the contributions and sacrifices made by Christian citizens, emphasizing that their efforts exemplify the unity and inclusivity that Jinnah envisioned for Pakistan. The observance of this day stands as a reminder of the nation’s founding values—equality, justice, and respect for all.

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