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In a resounding declaration resonating with the spirit of Easter, Bishop Dr. Azad Marshall, the Moderator/President Bishop of the Church of Pakistan and Bishop of Raiwind, delivers a poignant message of spiritual significance. His address emphasizes on the profound spiritual journey embedded within Easter, Bishop Marshall highlighted its roots in reflection, sacrifice, and joy within the Christian faith—a journey initiated two millennia ago.

Bishop Marshall underscored the solemnity and significance of Lent, a period of repentance, fasting, and preparation mirroring Jesus Christ’s own trials in the wilderness. He elucidated the transformative nature of Holy Week, commencing with Palm Sunday and culminating in the resurrection on Easter Sunday—a pivotal event symbolizing humanity’s salvation through Christ’s sacrifice.

Reflecting on the resurrection narrative, Bishop Marshall conveyed the transformative power of encountering the risen Christ, as exemplified by Saint Thomas’s journey from doubt to unwavering faith. He stressed the importance of personal encounters with Jesus Christ and the subsequent transformation they inspire.

“In moments of fear and doubt, Jesus offers them peace without reproach, showcasing God as a source of comfort rather than condemnation. He reveals His wounds to His disciples, not just as proof of His resurrection, but as a testament to God’s love and power,” Bishop Marshall remarked.

“In moments of fear and doubt, Jesus offers them peace without reproach, showcasing God as a source of comfort rather than condemnation. He reveals His wounds to His disciples, not just as proof of His resurrection, but as a testament to God’s love and power,” Bishop Marshall remarked.

Saint Thomas’s doubt transformed into a declaration of deep faith, recognizing Jesus’s true essence. Jesus commends this faith, blessing those who believe without seeing,” Bishop Marshall reiterated.

In his address, Bishop Marshall encouraged believers to embrace the joy and hope brought forth by Christ’s resurrection, expressing a prayer for fortified faith and a call to bear witness to His victory over death.

“My prayer is that the joy of Christ’s resurrection and His victory over death will fortify our faith and inspire us to bear witness to His resurrection, no matter the distance we must travel,” expressed Bishop Marshall.

He extended Easter blessings to all, invoking the peace and joy of the risen Jesus Christ upon the Christian community.

Through his official Easter address, Bishop Marshall articulated a message of spiritual reflection, renewal, and celebration, reaffirming the timeless significance of Easter within the Christian faith.

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