News Desk

Lahore, June 24, 2024:

In a significant move, various leaders and members of the Punjab Assembly have strongly condemned the misuse of blasphemy laws, mob lynching, and violence against minorities. The recent unanimous passage of a resolution against such acts has garnered widespread support and appreciation.

Former Minister for Human Rights & Minorities Affairs, Ejaz Augustine, delivered a bold and relevant speech in the Punjab Assembly, advocating for further measures to protect minorities. Augustine emphasized the need for a Minorities Protection Bill as the next logical step following the resolution.

The resolution’s movers, including Members Punjab Assembly Rahila Khadim Hussain, Ali Haider Gillani, Falbus Christopher, Emmanuel Ather Julius, Shazia Javed, Saeed Akbar Khan, and Shakeela Javed, were acknowledged for their efforts. The support from the opposition in the Punjab Assembly, which helped pass the resolution unanimously, was also noted.

Additionally, speeches made in the National Assembly on June 23 by Defence Minister Khawaja Asif, Minister for Law and Human Rights Azam Nazir Tarar, Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal, and Information Minister Attaullah Tarrar, were seen as a positive step. These speeches highlighted the need for effective policy and legislation to protect religious minorities.

Leaders emphasized that while these actions represent a significant beginning, much more needs to be done. They vowed to continue raising their voices at every forum to ensure the protection and rights of minorities in Pakistan.

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