By: Shafique Sharif 

Lahore: Fr. Lazar Aslam, a Roman Catholic priest, has penned “Building Bridges: The Role of the Church and the Bible in Supporting Immigrants and Refugees,” a book that delves into the types and causes of migration, as well as the conditions, rights, and duties of migrants. Fr. Lazar aims to inspire readers to mitigate the causes of forced migration and assist migrants and refugees in integrating into new communities.

Migration is a common experience worldwide, with people moving for various reasons, including safety, employment, and education. Fr. Lazar’s book, grounded in faith, challenges readers to reflect on their beliefs and actions regarding one of today’s most pressing global issues. He hopes the book will contribute positively to humanity and contemporary society.

In recent years, the global community has witnessed the plight of refugees and displaced individuals. Fr. Lazar’s research emphasizes understanding and respecting the shared humanity of all people, regardless of creed, color, or ethnicity. His work underscores the Church’s mission to foster unity among diverse communities, in line with Biblical principles.

Fr. Lazar’s extensive missionary experience with various ethnic groups has informed his insights into the urgent needs of displaced communities. His book educates readers on Biblical and Ecclesial teachings regarding refugees and encourages reflection on the universal right to dignity and respect.

The book calls readers to a mission of supporting the needy and neglected. Fr. Lazar highlights the disparities between the opportunities available to the rich and the poor, noting that despite hard work, poor individuals often remain trapped in unfavorable conditions due to underemployment, low wages, exploitation, and lack of security measures, among other issues. He stresses that society has a collective duty to stand up for migrant rights.

In interviews with Pakistani migrants abroad, Fr. Lazar uncovered stories of hardship and resilience. Many left due to violence, persecution, and economic instability. A mother from Karachi shared her journey to Europe after her husband was killed in sectarian violence, while a young man from Lahore discussed the challenges of finding work and facing discrimination. These narratives motivated Fr. Lazar to write the book, aiming to amplify their voices and advocate for their rights.

During his travels, Fr. Lazar met numerous Pakistani migrants in countries like Italy, Greece, and the United States, all seeking safety and a better future. Their experiences, ranging from legal hurdles to cultural integration challenges, highlighted the need for compassionate policies and community support in host countries.

Fr. Lazar identified political and sectarian violence, economic hardship, and environmental issues as primary reasons for migration from Pakistan. He suggests a multifaceted approach to address migrant issues, including creating safe migration pathways, implementing inclusive policies, and addressing root causes in home countries. He believes that through collective action and empathy, more inclusive and compassionate societies can be built.

Fr. Lazar Aslam, belonging to the Order of Franciscan Capuchin Friars in Pakistan, holds a certificate in Franciscan spirituality from Pontifical University Antonianum, Rome, and various other international certificates. He has served in pastoral roles and is active in promoting peace and interfaith harmony. His book and advocacy efforts continue to support persecuted Christians and foster community awareness.

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