News Desk

Sargodha, Pakistan – 25 May 2024:

The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) has expressed deep concern over a recent violent attack on Christians in the Mujahid Colony area of Sargodha, Punjab province. In a letter addressed to President Asif Ali Zardari, CCA General Secretary Dr. Mathews George Chunakara condemned the incident, urging the Pakistani government to takeand immediate action to protect the Christian minority.

The attack, reportedly carried out by members of the hardliner religious group occurred early Saturday morning. The violence was sparked by allegations of Quran desecration, which led to a mob assaulting Christians and targeting churches in the area. This latest act of terror and follows a disturbing pattern of religious intolerance and violence in Pakistan.

Dr. Chunakara highlighted the recent lynching of the Masih, a Christian laborer, as a grim precursor to this latest attack. Masih was brutally beaten and killed after false rumors spread that he had desecrated the Holy Quran. The violence quickly escalated, resulting in the destruction of several churches, homes, and businesses owned by the local Christian community and many Christian families were forced to flee, seeking refuge from the chaos.

The CCA’s letter emphasized upon the ongoing plight of Christian, which includes; discrimination at the workplace, threats of forced conversion, and false accusations of blasphemy have rendered their lives increasingly difficult.

The misuse of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws has been a particular point of concern, enabling fanatical mobs to target minority communities with impunity.

Dr. Chunakara called on President Zardari to ensure that those responsible for orchestrating violence against Christians are brought to justice. The CCA supports the demands of the Churches in Pakistan for the government to implement necessary measures to safeguard the Christian minority and uphold its rights.

The letter serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for stronger law enforcement and protection of minority communities in Pakistan. The international community continues to watch closely, urging the Pakistani government to take definitive steps to prevent further violence and ensure the safety and security of all its citizens.

Source: Christian Conference of Asia (CCA)

By admin

2 thoughts on “CCA Letter to President Zardari Highlights Crisis Facing Pakistan’s Christians”
  1. I will Pray for the Christian in Pakistan for their safety and for the Government to Bring justice for these crimes against humanity

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