The White Post Special

Q: Robin, can you start by telling us a bit about yourself and how your musical journey began?

My name is Robin Gosh, I am musician and I come from Wah Cantt. My passion for music was evident from a very young age. I vividly remember singing my first gospel song in church at the age of six. This early experience ignited a fire within me, and by 1980, I began formal music training under Aftab Munir Rashid Sahib. His guidance helped me understand the basics and intricacies of music, which further fueled my passion. My journey took a significant turn when I started learning under Samuel Gill Sahib, a renowned gospel music director in Asia. His mentorship was transformative, and I gained profound insights into gospel music. However, the most pivotal moment in my career came when I was taken under the wing of Ustad Mehdi Hasan, who had been my idol since I was 12. His teachings and mentorship deeply influenced my musical style and approach. Over the past 40 years, I have led choirs in numerous churches, won various gospel song competitions, and established myself as a respected figure in the music industry.

Q: Your formal education and the challenges you faced in your musical career are crucial aspects of your journey. Could you elaborate on these?

I completed my formal education at St. Joseph’s School in Wah Cantt, which laid a strong foundation for my academic and musical pursuits. Balancing education and music was challenging, but my determination kept me focused. The path to establishing a career in music was fraught with difficulties. The music industry, especially in our region, is not always kind to aspiring musicians. There are countless hurdles, from financial constraints to societal pressures, and the constant need to prove oneself. Despite these challenges, my unwavering passion for music and the support from my mentors helped me navigate through these obstacles. Each challenge strengthened my resolve to succeed and made me more resilient.

Q: You’ve had the opportunity to perform on various national platforms. Could you share some of your experiences with national TV and radio channels?

Indeed, I have had the privilege of showcasing my talent on several prominent national platforms. I have performed on Islamabad Radio, Lahore Radio, Pindi Radio, Islamabad PTV Channel, Lahore PTV Channel, and ATV. Each platform offered a unique experience and exposure, helping me reach a wider audience. Performing on national TV and radio channels was both exhilarating and daunting. The immense responsibility of delivering flawless performances to a vast audience kept me on my toes. These performances also provided me with the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from other talented artists, which enriched my musical journey.

Q: Your collaborations with notable national singers are noteworthy. Could you highlight some of these experiences and the impact they had on your career?

I have had the honor of performing alongside some of the most esteemed national singers, such as Mehdi Hasan Sahib, Ghulam Ali Sahib, Shaukat Ali Sahib, and Pervaiz Mehdi Sahib. These collaborations were invaluable learning experiences. Performing with legends like Mehdi Hasan Sahib and Ghulam Ali Sahib was both humbling and inspiring. Their dedication, skill, and artistry left a profound impact on me. These interactions provided me with deeper insights into various musical styles and techniques, which I incorporated into my own performances. The experience of sharing the stage with such accomplished artists reinforced the importance of continuous learning and striving for excellence in my craft.

Q: Your international performances and collaborations have also been significant. Could you share some memorable experiences from these international events?

Performing internationally has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my career. I have had the opportunity to perform in numerous concerts and events in Dubai and India. My work in Dubai was particularly notable, as it exposed me to a diverse audience and different musical tastes. However, my performances in India in 2009 stand out as some of the most memorable. India, with its rich musical heritage, offered a unique platform to showcase my talent. The respect and admiration I received there were overwhelming, especially given the esteemed reference under which I was introduced. The audience’s appreciation and the opportunity to collaborate with Indian musicians were enriching experiences that broadened my musical perspective and enhanced my performance skills.

Q: Your family background and their involvement in music are quite interesting. Could you provide more insight into this aspect of your life?

My family has always been a significant part of my musical journey. We are a family of nine, with five brothers and four sisters. Remarkably, my four brothers are also involved in the music field and are dedicated to teaching music. This shared passion for music has created a unique bond among us. Music has always been a central part of our family life. I have three children, and my elder son is also pursuing a career in music. Watching him follow in my footsteps and develop his own musical style is a source of immense pride and joy. Our family’s collective dedication to music has created an environment of mutual support and encouragement, which has been instrumental in our individual and collective successes.

Q: How did your experience in India shape your musical journey, considering the and country’s deep respect for musicians?

My experience in India was incredibly rewarding and transformative. India, known for its deep respect for musicians, offered me a platform to perform and be appreciated for my talent. The respect and admiration I received there was overwhelming. The opportunity to perform for an audience that holds musicians in such high regard was both humbling and inspiring. The interactions with Indian musicians and the exposure to their rich musical heritage broadened my perspective and enriched my musical journey. The experience reaffirmed my belief in the universal language of music and its power to transcend cultural boundaries.

Are there any particular songs or artists that hold special significance for you?

Indeed, there are several songs and artists that have significantly influenced my musical journey. I have always been deeply influenced by Mehdi Hasan’s music. His songs hold a special place in my heart, and I enjoy performing them. His artistry and dedication to music have been a constant source of inspiration for me. Additionally, I hold Lata Mangeshkar ji in high regard. Although I have never had the pleasure of meeting her, her music has always been a source of inspiration. Her impeccable voice and emotive singing style have greatly influenced my approach to music.

Q: Apart from music, do you have any other hobbies or interests?

Music is my sole passion and hobby. It encompasses my entire world. I find immense joy and fulfillment in creating, performing, and teaching music. It is not just a profession but a way of life for me. Every aspect of my life is intertwined with music, and I cannot imagine having any other interest or hobby. The pursuit of musical excellence and the joy of sharing my music with others provide me with immense satisfaction and happiness.

Q: How do you manage to cope with the current economic challenges, especially as a musician?

Coping with the current economic challenges requires a great deal of resilience and adaptability. The music industry, like many other fields, is affected by economic fluctuations. To manage these challenges, I focus on curbing unnecessary desires and remaining grateful for what I have. By maintaining a simple lifestyle and prioritizing my needs, I can navigate these difficult times. Additionally, diversifying my income sources through teaching and composing music has helped me maintain financial stability. The support of my family and the unwavering faith in God’s provision also play crucial roles in managing these economic challenges.

Q: In your opinion, what steps should the government take to support musicians in Pakistan?

The government can play a significant role in supporting musicians and fostering the growth of the music industry in Pakistan. There are many talented musicians in Pakistan who achieve great success internationally. However, they often face numerous challenges domestically. I believe the government should provide platforms for musicians similar to those provided for athletes. Establishing dedicated music academies, funding musical projects, and creating opportunities for performances can greatly benefit musicians. Additionally, implementing policies that support the music industry, such as tax incentives and grants, can provide much-needed financial support. Recognizing and celebrating the contributions of7 musicians can also help raise the profile of the music industry and encourage more young talent to pursue music as a viable career option.

By admin