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In a harrowing incident in the remote village of Sahiwal, Chak 6/11 L, Christian households were brutally attacked by radical members of a political party just a day after the country’s general elections. The assault, which took place at 2 a.m., targeted the impoverished community, leaving a trail of destruction and instilling fear and trauma among residents.

Eyewitnesses reported that assailants fired shots directly at the doors of Christian homes and hurled petrol bombs, engulfing houses in flames and destroying valuable belongings, including motorcycles, rickshaws, and other sources of income for the affected families.


According to locals, the attack was motivated by the community’s decision to exercise their constitutional right to vote for a particular party, contrary to the wishes of the violent radical group responsible for the assault. The attackers also unleashed verbal abuse and used defamatory language against the Christian community.

Amidst the palpable fear and anguish, especially among women and children, the affected residents are demanding immediate action from authorities to ensure their safety and deliver justice.

Bishop Abraham Daniel of Sahiwal visited the victims to express solidarity and underscored the profound stress and fear gripping the community in the aftermath of the attack. He emphasized that voting is the fundamental right of every citizen and should be exercised freely, without fear of reprisal.

The Bishop, also called upon authorities to take decisive steps to address the underlying issues and foster harmony between religious minority communities and the majority population.

Stressing for peaceful resolutions, he urged concerted efforts from the authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens, regardless of their religious affiliations.

Joseph Jansen, Minority rights activist, expressed profound concern over the blatant violation of fundamental democratic principles currently unfolding in Pakistan. The citizens of the country are experiencing an alarming surge in coercion and attacks based on their voting choices, posing a severe threat to the sanctity of the democratic process.

Expressing his concern on the unjust targeting of members of religious minorities who are being attacked merely for exercising their right to vote freely. This disturbing trend undermines the essence of a free and fair electoral system, he added

In a statement issued today, Jansen emphasized, “No one should be coerced into supporting a specific political party or candidate, and their safety should never be jeopardized for exercising their fundamental democratic rights to vote freely.” The activist highlighted the importance of protecting the democratic rights of every citizen, regardless of their political inclinations.

Condemning the brutal attacks on Christian households, where residents were threatened with death and forced to leave their homes merely for voting for a candidate of their choice, He called upon the relevant authorities to take immediate and decisive action to protect human rights and the rights of religious minorities.

Jansen regrettably said, the 2024 elections in Pakistan have exposed a systemic failure in preventing corruption, fraud and safety within the electoral process.




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