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In a gathering attended by over 109 Christian youth from diverse backgrounds and 12 clergy members representing various denominations, the Ecumenical Commission for Human Development (ECHD) observed the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in three diocesan areas of Faisalabad, Multan, and Lahore in the Punjab province.

Peter Calvin, the general manager of Masihi Isha’at Khana, highlighted the challenges of global unity faced by UN member nations, emphasizing the need for decisions that benefit everyone. The theme for this year’s week-long prayer service, “You shall love the Lord your God … and your neighbour as yourself,” was derived from the Gospel of Luke.

Leaders in Lahore Cathedral recited Biblical verses on the theme of love, focusing on the parable of the “Good Samaritan.” Peter Calvin urged attendees to embrace a selfless love that transcends societal boundaries, emphasizing the Samaritan’s example of helping a stranger in need.

The internationally observed Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, initiated in 1908, aims to foster unity among Christians worldwide. In Pakistan, where Christians face intolerance as a minority, the chosen theme reflects the connection between love of God and love of neighbor. James Rehmat, Executive Director of ECHD, stressed the importance of promoting charity, mercy, justice, and unity, particularly in advocating for the rights of Christians.

Despite challenges, church leaders in Pakistan are called upon to bridge divides and address social and political issues. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity serves as a powerful reminder of the shared values that bind Christians together in the face of adversity.

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