News Desk

Sialkot, Pakistan – May 18, 2024

In a troubling development from the remote area of Kharota Syedan in Sialkot, Stella Bibi, a middle-aged Christian mother, has been arrested over allegations of blasphemy. The arrest follows a police complaint filed in January against unknown persons, with local Muslim resident Jawad Ali later naming Stella Bibi as the suspect.

According to Dr. Adeel Ghouri, local activist and member of the Sialkot Peace Committee, the accuser claims to possess CCTV footage showing Stella Bibi committing the alleged blasphemy. Despite these assertions, the case remains shrouded in uncertainty and controversy.

The activist also noted that Stella Bibi had been arrested a few months prior on similar allegations but was released due to a lack of evidence.

The re-arrest has reignited tensions in the community, with concerns growing over potential violence between local Christians and Muslims.

Ghouri, suggested that unknown individuals or entities might be attempting to exploit these incidents to incite further discord.

Blasphemy accusations in Pakistan carry severe legal and social consequences, often resulting in lengthy legal battles and significant personal risk for the accused.

The arrest of Stella Bibi highlights the precarious situation faced by religious minorities in the region, where allegations can rapidly escalate into broader communal conflicts. As the case is under investigation, but still the issue stimulates risk and unrest for the local Christian community.

By admin