News Desk

In a bustling market in Ichra Bazar, Lahore, a Christian shopkeeper named Johnson Tariq emerged as a beacon of hope in a harrowing situation. The incident unfolded when a young lady, recently arrived from Dubai with her husband, found herself targeted by a zealous crowd who mistook her Arabic-printed attire for verses from the Holy Quran.

According to Johnson Tariq, the owner of a Burger and Shawarma shop adjacent to where the altercation occurred, “A bearded man called out to the woman, accusing her of wearing verses from the holy scripture. Despite her explanation that she was a Muslim and had purchased the dress in Dubai, the man’s anger incited a gathering crowd, labeling them as infidels.”

As tensions escalated and the crowd swelled, threatening violence, Johnson Tariq acted swiftly to protect the couple. Sensing the imminent danger, he ushered the accused woman into his shop, removing any potential weapons (knives/ forks etc) from sight and engaging the crowd in conversation, attempting to diffuse the situation.

“I appealed to the crowd, citing the impact on my business and urging them to disperse,” recounted Johnson, reflecting on his efforts to divert attention away from the vulnerable couple.

For thirty tense minutes, Johnson Tariq stood as a shield between the mob and the accused, risking his own safety amidst the specter of extremism. His bravery did not go unnoticed, as both the local clergy and the police intervened to ensure the couple’s safety.

Acknowledging Johnson’s heroic actions, the Punjab Police administration hailed him as an Ambassador of Minorities, underscoring his role in promoting communal harmony and safeguarding lives in the face of bigotry.

However, in the aftermath of the incident, Johnson’s family risk repercussions from those who sought to exploit the situation for their own commercial agendas in the market.

His brother, manning a shop in the same market, experienced hostility from a previously amicable neighbor, highlighting the tensions after incidents, revealed Johnson

Despite the potential challenges, Johnson Tariq remains resolute in his commitment to his family and community.

As the youngest among his siblings of five and a father to an eleven-month-old daughter, his courage serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of compassion and resilience in the face of adversity, paving a brighter path for inclusive society.

By admin