News Desk

“Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED) and the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) joined forces in a collaborative effort aimed at tackling the intricate challenges surrounding education policy. Held on April 30, 2024, the event titled ‘Overcoming Educational Policy Challenges Through Better Governance’ provided a platform for an array of experts and stakeholders to convene, deliberate, and strategize innovative solutions for governance enhancement in education.

Distinguished panelists, including Dr. Riaz Ahmed Shaikh, Ms. Sadiqa Salahuddin, Professor Farid Panjwani, Mr. Jamil Ahmed Khan, Ms. Maleeha Manzoor, Ms. Nausheen Adnan, and Mr. Sukhdev Hemnani, lent their expertise to the dialogue. Moderated skillfully by Mr. Peter Jacob and Ms. Tayyaba Rafiq of the Centre for Social Justice, the sessions delved into pertinent issues surrounding education policy.

Professor Panjwani stressed the critical importance of effective policy implementation, emphasizing that commitment to action is key. He highlighted the need for sustained dialogue and accountability to drive tangible change in education policy and practice.

The event also featured a thought-provoking analysis of education manifestos by students from AKU-IED. They identified 16 key parameters, ranging from education for out-of-school children to mental health considerations, and developed a rubric to evaluate the policies of major political parties.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Jacob welcomed the government’s education reform announcement, urging a comprehensive review to address past shortcomings and advocate for inclusive education.”

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