Brussels, November 10th, 2023 – The European Pakistani Christian Action Committee staged a protest outside the European Parliament, shedding light on the critical issues of forced faith conversion, child marriages of Hindu and Christian girls, and the misuse of blasphemy laws in Pakistan.
Protest Highlights:
Advocates urge European Parliament to scrutinize Pakistan’s GSP+ status.
Pakistani Christians in Europe rally against religious freedom violations in Pakistan.
Protesters demand the release of individuals unfairly detained on blasphemy charges, including Anwar Kenneth, Shagufta Kiran Zarfr Bhatti, Ishtiaq Saleem, Imran Rehman, Professor Natan Lal, and Junaid Hafeez and others.
A coalition of protesters, including lawyers, activists, Church leaders, and journalists, emphasized the need for affirmative action to protect minority rights in Pakistan. They call for reforms in the justice system to address forced conversions and amendments to the Child Marriage Restraint Act.
MEP Charlie Weimer strongly condemned forced conversions and child marriages, emphasizing the direct threat of Islamism and blasphemy laws to safety and freedom of religion. He called for the unconditional release of those unjustly imprisoned.
Joseph Jansen Jubilee Campaign Netherlands Advocacy, stressed the EU’s responsibility to assess Pakistan’s progress under the GSP+ mechanism. He called for a constructive dialogue between the Pakistani government and the EU to uphold religious freedom and human rights obligations.
The coalition highlighted concerns about extrajudicial killings and attacks on minorities based on blasphemy accusations. They urged the EU Parliament to pass a resolution, criminalize forced conversions, and conduct a fact-finding visit to Pakistan.
The committee highlighted the case of Anwar Kenneth, urging his immediate acquittal and release without conditions. Journalist Shafiq ul Zaman affirmed the Christian community’s unity and determination for the release of religious prisoners.
Various speakers, including Arif Sardar, Pastor Ghazala Shafique, Pastor Justin Bhatti, Asif Mall Ansar Farooq, Bishop John Samuel and Chaudhary Khalid, emphasized the need for legislative changes, protection of religious minorities, and amendments to blasphemy laws.
The European Pakistani Christian Action Committee also petitioned the European External Action Service for an urgent review and amendment of Pakistan’s Generalized System of Preferences Plus (GSP+) status. Emphasizing the critical need for Pakistan to fulfill GSP+ obligations, the committee urges immediate action to prohibit advocacy of hatred, discouraging discrimination, hostility, and violence the abuse of blasphemy laws, and forced conversions.
The demonstration also cited international calls, including the UN Human Rights Committee and the 2021 European Parliament resolution, urging Pakistan to amend blasphemy laws. Despite these calls, no significant progress has been made.
The protest, marked by speeches, placards, and chants, called for comprehensive reforms in Pakistan’s legal system. Advocates demanded amendments to blasphemy laws, effective safeguards, and criminalization of coerced faith conversions of minority girls and women.

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