News Desk

Islamabad, June 1, 2024:

In a historic achievement, Helen Mary Robert has been promoted to the rank of Brigadier in the Pakistan Armed Forces, making her the first Christian woman to reach this designation in the 76-year history of the country’s military.

Brigadier Robert, a distinguished pathologist in the Army Medical Corps, has earned this prestigious promotion through years of hard work, dedication, and commitment to her profession. Her advancement marks a moment of great pride not only for her family but also for the Christian community in Pakistan.

Helen Mary Robert’s promotion is a testament to her persistent effort and unwavering dedication to the medical field. Her journey serves as an inspiration to many, demonstrating that with hard work and determination, significant barriers can be overcome.

As Brigadier Robert steps into her new role, she continues to be a beacon of inspiration, embodying the values of commitment and excellence in service. Her achievement is celebrated by her peers and the broader community, highlighting the inclusive progress within the Pakistan Armed Forces.

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