News Desk


Attock, August 13, 2024:

In a vibrant display of unity and patriotism, a program celebrating Pakistan’s Independence Day was held at the Committee Hall in Attock. Organized by Save the Society through Reforms and Rehabilitation, the event brought together participants from various religious communities, including Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs, to promote interfaith peace and harmony.

The event was spearheaded by Miss Shireen Aslam, a social activist, who emphasized the vital role that religious minorities have played in the formation, development, and progress of Pakistan. In her address, she highlighted that minorities in Pakistan are equal citizens and have made significant contributions to the nation’s growth, including making sacrifices for its welfare.

The program featured participation from a diverse array of attendees, including members of the transgender community, representatives from government institutions such as the Punjab Police, and members of the Tahafuz Markaz and Rescue 1122. Each group shared their thoughts on the importance of unity and mutual respect among all citizens.

Children from the Save the Society through Reforms and Rehabilitation School also took part in the celebration, delivering speeches and performing tableaux to national songs, adding a youthful and energetic touch to the occasion.

By admin