News Desk

24 March,2024

The Rt. Rev. Nadeem Kamran, Bishop of Lahore, organized a distinguished interfaith Iftar gathering, symbolizing solidarity and camaraderie. Among esteemed attendees were Minister Tahir Khalil Sandhu, Minister Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora, Secretary Ali Bahadur Qazi, Bishop Dr. Alexander John Malik, Bishop Irfan Jamil, MPA Tariq Gill, MPA Sonia Asher, and other distinguished dignitaries and figures. The occasion, held on Pakistan’s Resolution Day, served as a solemn reminder of the nation’s journey and the sacrifices made in its name by people of all faiths.

Against the backdrop of shared remembrance and gratitude, the event underscored the pivotal role of unity in fostering harmony and progress. It was a testament to the inclusivity and resilience of Pakistan’s diverse communities.

Following the interfaith gathering, The Rt. Rev. Nadeem Kamran, in his address commemorating Pakistan Day, emphasized the historical significance of the Lahore Resolution of 1940. He highlighted the determination of the nation’s forefathers and the collective efforts that led to the establishment of Pakistan.

Acknowledging the contributions of all communities, including the Christian minority, Bishop Kamran stressed the importance of diversity as a cornerstone of Pakistani identity. He called for a renewed commitment to fostering peace, mutual respect, and inclusivity, urging citizens to honor the sacrifices of their ancestors.

The Bishop concluded by extending heartfelt wishes for a peaceful, progressive, and united Pakistan on this auspicious occasion of Pakistan Day.

By admin