News Desk

Representatives from various civil society organizations convened at Palazzo Chigi on Monday, April 22nd, to meet with Dr. Davide Dionisi, the government’s special envoy for religious freedom. The meeting, initiated by the Association of Pakistani Christians in Italy, Aid to the Church in Need, Pro Terra Sancta Association, AVSI, Oasis Foundation, and Sant’Egidio, aimed to explore avenues for collaboration and advocacy in promoting the rights of religious minorities.

The Italian Roundtable on religious freedom was convened by the Prof. Dr. Shahid Mobeen.

Dr. Dionisi emphasized the significance of religious freedom and expressed the government’s commitment to advancing this cause. He proposed establishing a collaborative entity to address urgent issues and advocate for religious freedom, with a future focus on bringing these concerns to the European Parliament.

Dr. Daniela Canclini, the project’s creator, underscored the necessity of uniting diverse actors dedicated to addressing the plight of persecuted Christians worldwide. Professor Michele Brignone of the Oasis Foundation outlined the project’s primary objective: to synthesize the efforts of participating organizations and align them with governmental initiatives promoting religious freedom.

Following discussions, it was decided to form a Council to support the special envoy’s activities and advocate for persecuted Christians globally. Several organizations have already pledged their participation in the Council, which will materialize in the coming weeks.

Additionally, a proposal was made to involve all participating organizations in the upcoming Forum on religious freedom in September. The forum aims to foster peace and protect religious freedom worldwide by incorporating testimonies from diverse global contexts.

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2 thoughts on “Italian Civil Society Organizations Forge Path to Protect Persecuted Christians”
  1. Dear prestigious friends
    It is very nice to read your report that you have great hearts for the Persecuted Christians worldwide.
    In order to help them it is very important that a local persons must work among the Persecuted community. Second, international community must visit local people to know the actual situation of the Persecuted people. In order to help persecuted Christians around the world, practical steps must be taken on long terms not on short-terms.

  2. It is laudable to know that such a forum has been formed to keep the EU informed of the state of Christians in Pakistan. Oppression of Christians is in every domain, in educational institutions, education content, work places, protest against accepting a Christian in a senior position, kidnapping, forced conversion and marriage of minor girls, etc. All aid and assistance from the EU ought to be hinged on tangible proof of improvement I such domains.

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