Karachi, October 30:

In her thought-provoking poem, Freedom’s Illusion, Mariam Mairaj, a college student from Karachi, delves into the complex themes of freedom, justice, and power. Through verses that challenge the notion of genuine liberty, Mairaj examines how promises of equality and justice often fall short, overshadowed by forces of power and control.

Her complete poem reads:

Freedom’s Illusion
By: Mariam Mairaj

In freedom’s name, we gather around;
A voice of all, a common ground;
A promise of equality, that they uphold;
Justice for all, young and old;

Power increased, resources drained;
Ideology extinct, capitalism gained;
Exploiting lands in endless nights;
In freedom’s will, we must fight;

A dream of onerous and equal share;
Turns to dust in controlling air;
Power corrupts, freedom fades
In oppressor’s shade;

Justice’s mask, a hidden hand;
Manipulating votes, across land;
Power corrupts, even the best;
Common people, went to rest;

We search for truth in endless night;
No chain of power, no oppressive might;
We try to breathe, without control;
To speak, to think, to live, to unroll;

A world where all can live and thrive;
In freedom’s promise, we survive;
No powers seed, dominance lead or classless deed;
Can replace freedom we need.

Mairaj’s work reflects a yearning for true freedom and a society without oppression, where justice is not a mere illusion. Her powerful verses resonate with readers, especially those grappling with issues of inequality, capitalism, and the pursuit of genuine liberty in modern society. Through Freedom’s Illusion, she urges reflection on what it means to live freely and authentically.

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