By: Nadia Stephen

The drama series “Kuch Ankahi,” aired on ARY channel and created by Syed Mohammad Ahmed, directed by Nadeem Baig in 2023, garnered significant praise from its audience. Regarded as a classic story of Pakistani dramas, it has been re-aired on ARY due to its popularity.

The storyline revolves around three families representing different social classes: the affluent and business class, the middle class, and the lower class. These families grapple with various social issues, primarily gender-based, reflecting real societal norms.

However, a critical observation reveals a troubling pattern in the portrayal of minority characters, particularly a Hindu woman depicted as belonging to the lower socioeconomic stratum, facing domestic troubles such as an alcoholic husband and economic hardships. This portrayal perpetuates stereotypes and reinforces negative perceptions about minority groups in Pakistan.

While it is true that many Pakistanis, regardless of religious affiliation, face similar challenges, it is concerning that minority characters are often relegated to roles such as maids or depicted in unfavorable circumstances. This narrow representation fails to acknowledge the diverse contributions of minorities to society, including their involvement in businesses, education, and professional positions.

The media, including dramas like “Kuch Ankahi,” holds significant influence in shaping public perceptions and attitudes. By perpetuating stereotypes and negative portrayals of minorities, the media not only fails to accurately reflect reality but also contributes to the normalization of discrimination and prejudice against minority communities.

The biased and discriminatory portrayal of minorities in dramas like “Kuch Ankahi” reflects entrenched societal prejudices and adds to the national narrative that marginalizes and devalues religious minorities. It is imperative for media creators and authorities to recognize their responsibility in fostering inclusivity and promoting a more accurate and positive representation of all communities in Pakistan. This can contribute to building a more tolerant and equitable society where all citizens are valued and respected.

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6 thoughts on “‘Kuch Ankahi’ Spotlights Bias in Minority Portrayal, Sparks Debate on Media Responsibility in Pakistan”
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