News Desk

The Implementation Minority Rights Forum, in partnership with The Rt. Rev. Bishop Azad Marshal, President Bishop Church of Pakistan, convened a momentous meeting with the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Pakistan on March 5, 2024.

The diverse delegation, meticulously curated to represent various perspectives, included Mr. Samuel Payara, Chairman of the Implementation Minorities Rights Forum, The Rt. Rev. Moderator/President Bishop Church of Pakistan, Emanuel Pervaiz, Advisor to the Implementation Minorities Rights Forum, and esteemed figures Father Khalid Mukhtar, Parish Priest Jarranwala, and Father Abid Tanveer, Vicar General, Faisalabad Diocese. Accompanying them were Mrs. Mishal Mushtaq, Mr. Zeeshan Pervaiz Bhatti, Rev. Shahzad Gill, and Messrs. Pervaiz Masih and Shazir.

In a symbolic gesture, the delegation presented an ancient relic — a copy of the Holy Bible, King James version, dating back to 1611 — and a majestic replica of the cross of Saint Thomas. These artifacts, steeped in religious and historical significance, served as a testament to centuries of faith and the enduring legacy of Saint Thomas’s impact on Pakistan’s cultural tapestry.

Acknowledging the importance of these artifacts, the Registrar graciously accepted them, recognizing their historical and cultural value. Subsequently, they were enshrined within the Supreme Court Museum, serving as enduring symbols of unity, diversity, and the sacred principle of minority rights.

This meeting underscores the commitment of the Implementation Minority Rights Forum and its delegation to fostering inclusivity, understanding, and respect for religious diversity within Pakistani society.

By admin