News Desk

The Minority Alliance Pakistan (MAP), voiced concerns about the systematic neglect of minority rights in major political party manifestos during a press conference held on January 18. Chairman MAP Akmal Bhatti, alongside Vice Chairman Shamoun Alfred Gill and MAP-Belgium President Joseph Jansen, criticized the recurring trend of political leaders engaging with minority communities only during election seasons, leaving their issues unaddressed post-elections.

The trio also pointed out the system of nepotism, party donations, and the handling of reserved seats for minorities and women in upcoming elections, labeling the current electoral process as a betrayal of true democracy. Chairman Bhatti asserted that it undermines democratic principles, perpetuating a system that marginalizes minority voices.

“Depriving major political forces from the elections has also taken away the right of millions of women and thousands of minorities to have their representatives and members participate on the reserved seats.”, stated Akmal Bhatti

Joseph Jansen, President of MAP Belgium, emphasized the immediate need for legislation to combat forced religious conversion and minor girl marriages in Pakistan. He called on political parties to prioritize laws against hate crimes and discrimination, urging measures to halt forced religious conversions and ensure justice by prosecuting perpetrators.

Jansen also advocated for minority job quotas in public services and admission quotas in higher educational institutions to enhance representation and opportunities for minorities.

Expressing concern about the reluctance of Jaranwala residents to participate in the voting process, Shamoun Alfred Gill cited a lack of trust in the system due to political parties failing to fulfill their roles and leaders fearing religious extremists.

Chairman Bhatti concluded by announcing MAP’s support for any political party that includes electoral reforms and upholds the right of minorities to elect their representatives in their manifestos. The call for change aims to foster a democratic process that genuinely represents the diverse voices within Pakistan.

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