News Desk

In a case that has stirred controversy and raised questions about law enforcement response, a 15-year-old Christian teenager Muskan Elisa from Mirpurkhas was reportedly abducted on March 11th by a local Muslim man identified as Arsalan Ali. The incident unfolded against a backdrop of alleged teasing and harassment by Arsalan towards the Muskan, prompting her parents to voice their complaint to his family, who reportedly assured them that such behavior would cease.

Muskan’ s family talking to White Post revealed, that in the wee hours of March 11th, they discovered that the Fatima was missing from their home. They promptly lodged a complaint with the police, but faced frustration as law enforcement authorities initially delayed their response.

Despite notifying the police immediately upon discovering the abduction, they were allegedly told to wait until 8 am for assistance. Upon their return to the police station at 8 am, they were informed that help would arrive at 11 am, indicating a perceived bias in the handling of the case by local police, said Fatima’s brother.

Subsequently, after employing delay tactics, the police located and apprehended the accused abductor, Arsalan Ali, who according to her family, confessed to handing the girl over to a religious group.

Moreover, the situation took a dramatic turn when it was revealed to Muskan’s family, that she had converted to Islam and has also married Ali. Her name was changed from Muskan to Fatima Sheikh on the marriage certificates. The news has traumatized the family regarding the safety of the daughter.

This development has further fueled tensions and raised concerns about the protection of minority rights and the enforcement of laws governing abduction and forced conversion.

By admin