News Desk

Lahore, 21 July 2024:

In a significant meeting at Bishop House, Moderator Bishop Dr. Azad Marshall extended his congratulations to Naveed Anthony on his new role as Deputy Speaker of the Sindh Assembly. The gathering, held on Sunday, emphasized the importance of collaboration between church leadership and Christian politicians in Pakistan.

The two leaders engaged in a constructive dialogue, focusing on issues pertinent to the Christian community. They agreed on the necessity of unified efforts to promote the welfare and development of Christians in the country.

A key outcome of the meeting was the decision to establish a dedicated forum for regular meetings between church leaders and Christian political figures. This forum aims to devise and implement effective policies and strategies for the community’s advancement.

Moderator Bishop Dr. Azad Marshall highlighted the potential for substantial positive change through collaboration between religious and political spheres. Deputy Speaker Naveed Anthony expressed his commitment to working closely with church leadership, emphasizing a shared vision for a progressive and inclusive society.

The meeting was attended by senior church leadership, including Rev. Emmanuel S. Khokhar, Rev. Obaid Nasir Samuel, Rev. Shahzad Gill, Mr. Zaheer Abbas, and Mr. Samson Salamat, along with civil society leaders.

The meeting concluded with a prayer by Moderator Bishop Dr. Azad Marshall for Deputy Speaker Naveed Anthony, Pakistan, and the challenges faced by the country’s leadership.

By admin