News Desk

The National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP) has unveiled its latest annual report, “Human Rights Monitor 2024,” focusing on the human rights situation of religious minorities in Pakistan. Covering incidents from the year 2023, the report offers a comprehensive analysis of various issues, including social discrimination, religious intolerance, blasphemy laws, discriminatory legislation, and crimes against women. Additionally, the report provides recommendations aimed at addressing the challenges faced by religious minorities in the country.

His Excellency Bishop Samson Shukardin, Chairperson of NCJP, emphasized the importance of prioritizing the inclusion of marginalized segments of society by the new government, with the goal of fostering a more tolerant and democratic Pakistan. Rev. Fr. Barnard Emmanuel, National Director of NCJP, highlighted the heightened sense of fear and despair among religious minorities, particularly Christians, as revealed in the report.

Mr. Naeem Yousaf Gill underscored that the objective of the publication extends beyond documenting human rights violations to raising awareness about various societal issues and emerging trends related to human rights. Mr. Ataurehman Saman, Coordinator of Research & Publication at NCJP, acknowledged the collaborative efforts of NCJP volunteers, staff from dioceses, and the National office in gathering and verifying information for the report.

The report is now available for public access at both National and Regional offices of the National Commission for Justice and Peace in Pakistan, serving as a resource for stakeholders advocating for democracy and human rights in the country.

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