News Desk

Lahore, June 25, 2024:

The Pakistan Catholic Bishops Conference, through its Human Rights body, the National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP), has strongly condemned the lynching of a man accused of desecrating the Holy Quran in Swat on June 20, 2024. In a deeply troubling incident, a mob in the Madeen area of Swat Valley forcibly took the man from police custody and beat him to death.

Bishop Samson Shukardin, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference and Chairperson of NCJP, along with Rev. Fr. Bernard Emmanuel, National Director of NCJP, and Mr. Naeem Yousaf Gill, Executive Director of NCJP, issued a joint statement condemning the rise of extrajudicial mob justice. They expressed profound concerns, stating, “This barbaric attack starkly highlights the urgent need to address the systemic failures that allow such heinous incidents to occur.”

The leaders called for immediate and robust policy responses to counter this trend of mob violence, which they argue tarnishes Pakistan’s reputation and undermines its social fabric. They urged the government and law enforcement agencies to enforce measures that protect all citizens and uphold the rule of law, ensuring justice is served. The statement also noted that such violent acts threaten the safety of the local population and harm tourism, deterring visitors and affecting the local economy.

The NCJP leaders welcomed statements from Federal Minister for Defense Khawaja Asif and Federal Minister for Law Azam Nazir Tarar, who, on June 23, 2024, voiced support for the rights of religious minorities in the National Assembly and highlighted the need for concrete steps to protect these communities.

They urged authorities to take decisive and comprehensive action to prevent the recurrence of such tragic events, emphasizing that a steadfast commitment to justice is essential to breaking the cycle of violence.

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