News Desk

Lahore, June 4, 2024:

The Pakistan Catholic Bishops Conference has issued a strong condemnation following the murder of Nazir Masih, a Christian resident of Sargodha. Masih succumbed to severe head injuries inflicted during a violent mob attack, highlighting the ongoing persecution faced by religious minorities in Pakistan.

Masih endured extensive medical treatment, including two surgeries, at the Combined Military Hospital in Rawalpindi. Despite the efforts of medical professionals over nine days, his injuries ultimately proved fatal.

In a formal statement, Bishop Samson Shukardin, President of the Pakistan Catholic Bishops Conference, expressed deep sorrow over the loss and criticized the systemic issues that enable such tragedies. Bishop Shukardin emphasized that Masih’s death is part of a disturbing pattern of violence against religious minorities, tracing back to at least 1992 with the murder of Christian teacher Namet Ahmer in Faisalabad.

“The misuse of blasphemy laws in Pakistan continues to jeopardize the lives of innocent individuals,” Bishop Shukardin stated. “This incident is not isolated; it reflects a broader failure of successive governments to reform laws that facilitate such abuses.”

Bishop Shukardin called on the government and law enforcement agencies to enforce measures that genuinely protect religious minorities and to ensure justice for Nazir Masih and others who have faced similar violence. He also urged the Christian community to pray for Masih’s grieving family.

The Pakistan Catholic Bishops Conference remains committed to advocating for the rights and safety of religious minorities in the country, reiterating the need for systemic change to prevent future tragedies.

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