News Desk

In a recent meeting, the Executive Council of Pakistan Minorities Rights Organisation (PMRO) resolved that Pakistani Christians should actively engage in the upcoming general elections on February 8, 2024.

The leadership emphasized the importance of thorough participation in the electoral process, urging the community to cast their votes for local candidates who demonstrate a commitment to minority-friendly manifestos and possess a track record of supporting policies beneficial to minorities.

PMRO highlighted the significance of minorities voicing their specific concerns with major political parties, seeking on-camera assurances for their resolution before casting votes. The leadership stressed that this active engagement is crucial for both religious minorities and the progress of Pakistan.

Furthermore, it was agreed that the elected representatives should serve as the voice of minorities in the parliament, being accountable for their actions to the constituents who elected them. PMRO advocated for minorities to actively collaborate with their elected representatives in addressing issues, encouraging a proactive approach rather than solely relying on candidates chosen by political parties.

The PMRO’s stance aims to empower the Pakistani Christian community in shaping the political landscape and fostering a stronger connection between the elected officials and the concerns of religious minorities, said the press release.

By admin