News Desk

Peshawar, May 30, 2024:

A press conference focused on interfaith and inter-sect harmony and tolerance was held today under the chairmanship of Maulana Muhammad Tayyib Qureshi, Chief Khatib of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The event saw participation from various religious leaders, including Bishop of Peshawar Humphrey Sarfaraz Peters, Shia community representative Allama Abid Hussain Shakiri, Hindu leader Haroon Sarbdayal, Sikh community representative, and numerous other scholars and religious figures.

The primary aim of the conference was to address the recent violent incident in Mujahid Colony, Sargodha, where an attack targeted a specific community. Maulana Qureshi emphasized that such attacks are attempts to defame Islam and Pakistan but praised the prompt response of religious leaders and law enforcement agencies in preventing further escalation.

The conference condemned the Sargodha incident and other acts of violence against minorities, highlighting the increasing extremism and terrorism in the country. It underscored the importance of promoting Paigham-e-Pakistan message of peace, brotherhood, and interfaith harmony.


Maulana Qureshi assured complete cooperation from religious scholars to all minorities living in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, including Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, and others. He condemned violent acts against minorities and emphasized that the entire Pakistani nation, particularly the people and scholars of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, stand in solidarity with them.

The conference declared that no follower of any religion or sect has the right to take the law into their own hands and engage in violence against others. Such actions are deemed terrorism and disorder according to the Constitution of Pakistan and Shariah.

The conference called for severe punishments for those who desecrate the Holy Quran and other religious scriptures and personalities. It also urged law enforcement agencies to take strict action against those who falsely accuse minorities and destroy their homes and places of worship.

Political parties were urged to set aside their differences for the country’s development and stability and to focus on public welfare. The conference also expressed full support for the country’s security agencies, police, and the Pakistan Army, paying tribute to their sacrifices.

Rt. Rev. Bishop of Peshawar Humphrey Sarfaraz Peters and Former Moderator of the Church of Pakistan also condemned the Sargodha incident. He expressed sorrow that such incidents have been occurring against religious minorities, referencing the Shanti Nagar and Jaranwala incidents.

Bishop also urged authorities to engage all stakeholders and rethink on approaches to
mitigate religious intolerance. He also emphasized at the need for the Government Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Education to play their roles in promoting religious tolerance, acceptance, and interfaith harmony to deradicalise general public.

The press conference concluded with a unified call for peace and solidarity across all communities in Pakistan.

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