News Desk

Faisalabad, March 14, 2024

A significant meeting was convened at the office of the Regional Police Officer (RPO) in Faisalabad, chaired by Mr. Samuel Payara, Chairman of the Implementation Minority Rights Forum (IMRF), to address the Jaranwala incident of August 16, 2023. The gathering was prompted by deliberations highlighted by the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan during the hearing of CMA 7751/2023.

Representatives from various law enforcement agencies, including Mr. Dr. Abid, RPO Faisalabad, and Mr. Ali Zia, Central Police Officer Faisalabad, was in attendance. Additionally, members of the Christian delegation, led by His Excellency Bishop Dr. Indriyas Rehmat, Bishop of the Faisalabad Diocese, was present, along with complainants from the 18 FIRs related to the incident.

Mr. Payara initiated the meeting by introducing Bishop Rehmat and expressing gratitude to the RPO for facilitating the gathering. Bishop Rehmat voiced concerns regarding the handling of the Jaranwala case by the police, citing dissatisfaction with their performance.

Mr. Payara highlighted several irregularities and delays in the investigative process, including the failure to apprehend the accused individuals and the submission of incomplete Challan Reports under Section 173 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Deputy Prosecutors General confirmed the submission of 18 Challan Reports to the Anti-Terrorism Court in Faisalabad.

A detailed discussion ensued regarding the grievances of the complainants. The RPO expressed dissatisfaction with the progress reports provided by police officials, prompting a directive for the Central Police Officer to facilitate a meeting between complainants and heads of Joint Investigation Teams. The objective was to address grievances promptly and prioritize the pursuit of justice.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to ensure swift action and justice for the victims of the Jaranwala incident, signaling a collaborative effort between law enforcement agencies and the affected community, said the press release.

By admin