News Desk

March 30, 2024

In a distressing turn of events, the Presbyterian Church located in Gujar Khan, Rawalpindi, was engulfed in flames in the early hours of March 30th, 2024, between 2:30 am to 3:00 am. The incident, suspected to be an act of arson, has left the community reeling with shock and disbelief.

According to a senior member of the church, speaking to White Post revealed, that tensions had been simmering in the area prior to the incident. The day before, during the Good Friday service, a dispute arose between local plaza owners situated behind the church building and security personnel who had restricted movement in the vicinity due to security concerns.

The security teams had reportedly stationed themselves along the front road of the church, limiting the movement of locals, which led to friction with the plaza owners. However, the situation was defused after assurances were made regarding road safety measures.

In the early hours of the morning, the tranquility was shattered as flames engulfed the church building. The church member revealed that it was the local pharmacy shop situated in front of the church that first noticed the blaze and promptly informed the church members. Additionally, the fire brigade was alerted, and efforts were made to contain the fire before it spread further.

Amid growing speculation pointing towards the plaza owners, the police have launched an investigation into the matter. They are working diligently to ascertain the facts surrounding the incident and have assured the public that the findings will be made known in due course.

However, Rawalpindi’s Chief Police Officer, Khalid Mahmood Hamdani, in an interview to Dawn News told that the preliminary investigation indicates that a short circuit was the cause of the fire at the plaza. He emphasized that no combustible materials were discovered on-site. Additionally, Hamdani clarifies that the plaza’s owner was not connected to the fire incident.

The Assistant Commissioner Murad Hussain Nekokara from Gujar Khan addressing the concerns of Christian protesters, assured them of a comprehensive and unbiased inquiry into the incident.

By admin