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Karachi – Protests have intensified in Karachi and Larkana demanding the safe recovery of Priya Kumari, who has been missing since her abduction on August 19, 2021. Pastor Ghazal Shafique highlighted the authorities’ lack of progress and criticized their handling of the case.

“From blaming Priya’s parents and harassing their relatives to making claims of the involvement of ‘gypsies’ in her disappearance, the officials of the government of Sindh and police have made the most outrageous of claims without having shown any concrete progress in tracing and recovering Priya,” Pastor Shafique stated.

A handout distributed at the sit-in expressed frustration over conflicting statements by government officials. According to the document, on May 31, 2024, Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Pir Mohammad Shah claimed the Sindh police had found a trace of Priya Kumari and that she would be reunited with her family soon. Similarly, on June 26, 2024, Sindh Home Minister Zia-ul-Hasan Lanjhar stated that Priya’s whereabouts had been traced to Bahawalpur and that she was in the custody of gypsies. The handout criticized these statements as baseless and insensitive, given the lack of evidence or progress since then.

“We demand the safe recovery of Priya Kumari without further delay and concrete action against all those involved in her abduction and continued illegal confinement. Any more empty claims and promises by the Sindh police and government shall be met with continued peaceful protests and legal recourse through the courts of law till Priya is recovered and reunited with her parents,” the handout concluded.

Protest in Larkana:

A similar protest organized by the Pooj Hindu Panchayat took place in Larkana. Civil society members gathered outside the Dharmashala for a token hunger strike and sit-in. Haresh Lal, Chairman of Pooj Hindu Panchayat, Vice Chairman Jay Raj, and other leaders joined the protest, expressing solidarity with the cause.

This report includes contributions from M.B. Kalhoro in Larkana. Quotes and information attributed to Dawn News.

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