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March 15, 2024, marks the ninth anniversary of the tragic twin suicide bombings that shook Youhanabad, Lahore, a Christian-majority area in Pakistan. The devastating attacks targeted two churches, St. John’s Catholic Church and The Christ Church, claiming the lives of 27 innocent individuals and leaving approximately 100 others injured. Among the victims were 21 martyrs who succumbed to their injuries on the spot, while six more tragically passed away later.

The scars of that fateful day still run deep in the community, serving as a painful reminder of the fragility of life and the persistence of violence. Families continue to mourn their loved ones, gathering today to honor their memory and share in each other’s grief.

Bashir Masih, father of Akash Bashir, stands as a poignant example of both grief and pride as he remembers his son’s extraordinary bravery. Akash, a security guard at one of the churches, confronted the suicide bomber at the entrance, knowing full well the danger he faced. In an act of unparalleled heroism, Akash not only resisted the assailant but embraced him, sacrificing his own life to shield others from harm.

“I lost my son, but I gained a hero,” Bashir Masih reflects, his voice filled with both sorrow and admiration. “Akash’s bravery saved countless lives that day. He may be gone, but his legacy of selflessness will live on forever.”

Despite the profound loss he has endured, Bashir Masih finds solace in the recognition of his son’s heroism. He claims, that the ambassador of the Holy See in Pakistan has submitted Akash’s name for consideration for sainthood, a testament to his remarkable sacrifice and unwavering faith.

However, amidst the acknowledgment of Akash’s bravery, the scars left by the bombings remain fresh.

Local Priest of Youhanabad Rev. Faraz Malik of Abraham Presbyterian Church, pointed at the trauma inflicted on survivors and witnesses, which continues to haunt the community, underscoring their constant need for support and healing.

Financial hardships further compound the anguish, as many families, lost their sole breadwinners in the attacks, he added

Rev. Faraz also shared that the aftermath of the bombings saw approximately 42 individuals arrested following protests, leaving families grappling with additional challenges for the vulnerable community.

Despite facing tough times, the victims and their families show incredible strength.

Archbishop Sebastian Francis Shaw praises their unwavering courage and emphasizes the importance of unity in times of tragedy. He also commends the resilience and courage of the victims and families of the Youhanabad attacks, highlighting the need for collective efforts from both authorities and citizens to prevent such incidents in the future.

Bishop Shaw stresses that every individual in Pakistan has a role to play in promoting tolerance, acceptance, and inclusivity to ensure a peaceful and safe society for all.

Bishop Rev. Azad Marshall, who leads the Church of Pakistan, echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the steadfast faith of the Christian community even in the wake of such tragedies. He highlights their dedication to serving Pakistan in various fields, despite the challenges they encounter.

Bishop Marshall adds, “As we remember those we’ve lost and the heroes who emerged from that tragic day, let’s honor their memory by renewing our commitment to creating a world of peace. May their sacrifices motivate us to work towards a future filled with kindness, understanding, and harmony.”

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