News Desk

Sahiwal, 13 September 2024:

The Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) organized a seminar aimed at raising awareness about the Christian Divorce Act 1869 and its amendments. The event, held in Sahiwal, brought together leaders from various Christian denominations, including the AFM Church, Catholic Church, ARP Church, The Salvation Army Church, The Church of Christ, and the Seven Pillars Church.

The seminar was facilitated by Bishop Waseem Anjum Bhatti, Advocate and National President of the AFM Church in Pakistan. Bishop Bhatti provided an in-depth explanation of the Divorce Act of 1869, its recent amendments, and the role of contemporary churches in addressing issues related to divorce within Christian communities.

Fr. Nadeem Joseph, Parish Priest, discussed the Catholic perspective on marriage and divorce, explaining the principles of Catholic Canon Law and how they intersect with civil legislation. Participants engaged in discussions on the implications of these laws for Christian couples and the broader Christian community.

One of the key topics addressed was the age requirement for marriage under the Christian Marriage Act of 1872. It was reiterated that Christian couples under the age of 21 are considered minors, and parental or guardian consent is mandatory for the solemnization of their marriage. The current minimum age for registration is 18. The proposed amendment to lower the age to 18 for solemnization was seen as having little impact on the age issue, with no significant pros or cons identified.

Another significant point of discussion was the reinstatement of Article 7 in the Divorce Act of 1869, which grants greater liberty in the divorce process. Participants expressed concerns that, while divorce is allowed under certain circumstances according to the Bible, it remains a practice the Holy Scriptures discourage.

The seminar concluded with the passage of a resolution calling for the establishment of a Christian Ideological Council. This proposed body would work with the government to guide the formation and amendment of laws for Christians, ensuring that any legislative changes are in line with Biblical teachings. The resolution emphasized that any new law or amendment should first be reviewed by the council before becoming legally binding.

Leaders from each participating church shared their perspectives during the workshop, offering valuable insights on the topics discussed. The event concluded with a collective vow that each church would continue to work towards the spiritual and social growth of their congregations.

The seminar was seen as a significant step in fostering dialogue among Christian leaders on legal matters affecting their communities, while also promoting unity and shared responsibility for spiritual development.

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