By: Nabila Aslam
“Strong Women, Strong Society” is more than just a phrase; it is a belief that has shaped my life. I firmly believe that a nation cannot thrive without recognizing the indispensable role of women. A strong woman not only transforms her own life but also contributes to building a stable and prosperous society.
I grew up in a family where girls were often encouraged to pursue basic education and focus on becoming good daughters, wives, and mothers. My family consists of ordinary people with simple values, but when it came to my dreams, they often seemed too ambitious in the eyes of society. From a young age, I was encouraged to complete high school, but the idea of pursuing higher education or professional ambitions was met with resistance.
For me, education was never just about degrees. It was the key to unlocking my potential, broadening my horizons, and giving me the confidence to make informed choices. Convincing my family to let me pursue higher education was one of my first battles. I knew that knowledge would empower me, even if others around me didn’t see its value.
As I grew older, I realized the importance of financial independence. I wanted to stand on my own feet, earn my own living, and make decisions without depending on others. However, this aspiration was often questioned. I was repeatedly told, “Why do girls need to earn? After marriage, you’ll depend on your husband’s income.” These words reflected the deeply ingrained societal mindset that undervalues a woman’s financial contributions. But I knew better. For me, financial independence was not just about earning money; it was about dignity, freedom, and having a voice in my life decisions.
The path to gaining independence was never easy. Each decision I made for myself was met with doubt and discouragement. “What do you know? You can’t do this,” I was often told. These words hurt, but they also fueled my determination to prove otherwise. I learned that true freedom lies in taking ownership of your choices and standing by them, no matter the challenges.
Throughout my journey, I faced immense mental and emotional pressure. Questions like “You’re a girl—how will you manage this?” were not uncommon. They shook my confidence at times, but I held on to the belief that I was capable of more than what society expected of me.
Through these experiences, I came to understand that women deserve fundamental rights that should never be compromised. Every girl has the right to education—it empowers her to think critically and make informed decisions. Women must have the freedom to work in their chosen fields and gain financial independence, enabling them to live life on their own terms. Decision-making should not be a privilege reserved for men; women must have the autonomy to choose their careers, their partners, and their paths. Above all, women deserve respect and safety, both at home and in society.
The challenges I faced are not unique. Many women still struggle with gender discrimination, societal pressure, and limited opportunities. In countless families, boys are prioritized over girls, and questions like “What will people say?” serve as constant barriers to women’s aspirations. Despite these obstacles, I firmly believe that change is possible.
I am sharing my story not to seek sympathy but to inspire others. A strong woman not only fights for herself but also paves the way for others. My message to every girl out there is simple: recognize your strength, believe in yourself, and know that you are capable of achieving anything. This world has a place for you—claim it.
Our society can only prosper when women are empowered to thrive. It’s time to shift our mindset,Q treat women as equals, and create a society where every woman can live with dignity and freedom. Today, I am where I am because I refused to give up, and I hope my journey encourages others to do the same.
Very nice article, if you could have written what you have achieved or accomplished would have been much better for the women who will read this. It would be motivational for them.
Nabila Aslam provides great insights regarding this very important issue in our Pakistani society. I am impressed with the clarity of her vision and her thought process. There is a clear indication that her youth, her energy and her relentless passion coupled with her ability to find ways in order to reach out to more audience through various platforms, will insure that her vision and her young leadership finds a strong voice and an opportunity to be heard. In my opinion, vision first and foremost and a relentless passion will start piling up accomplishments as she navigates through this journey, one day at a time.