By. Saima Sammar

A surge in viral eye infections has raised significant concerns among residents and healthcare professionals in Lahore. These infections have garnered attention due to their rapid spread, debilitating symptoms, and potential long-term consequences. They are often transmitted through close contact or contact with contaminated surfaces. Several incidents involving students contracting these infections due to negligence on the part of school administrations and staff have been reported in reputable schools across Lahore
Lahore’s current weather conditions are also contributing to this issue. To ensure public health and cleanliness, it is imperative to initiate a public discourse addressing the causes and consequences of this alarming trend.
Key Factors:
Viral Contamination: Among the various causes of viral eye infections in Lahore, viral contamination emerges as the primary culprit. Adenoviruses, known for their high contagiousness, can survive on various surfaces. People can become infected by touching contaminated surfaces and subsequently touching their eyes
Lack of Hygiene:
Poor personal hygiene practices significantly contribute to the spread of viral eye infections. Inadequate handwashing can introduce viruses into the eyes, especially after contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.
Close Contact: The rapid transmission of these infections is facilitated by crowded living conditions, particularly in urban areas like Lahore. Person-to-person transmission occurs frequently in settings such as homes, schools, and workplace
Environmental Factors: Lahore’s prevalent dust and pollutants can irritate the eyes, making them more susceptible to viral infections. Dry and inflamed eyes are more vulnerable to becoming infection sites
The Effects of Viral Eye infections include:
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): This is the most common viral eye infection observed in Lahore.
Symptoms include redness, itching, tearing, and discharge. While it usually resolves on its own, it can be highly contagious and uncomfortable, especially for young children and individuals with weakened immune systems
Keratitis: Another possible consequence is the inflammation of the cornea due to a viral infection.
Symptoms include severe eye pain, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light. Untreated keratitis can result in corneal scarring and vision loss.
Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis (EKC): This is a more severe adenovirus-induced viral eye infection. It can lead to long-term discomfort, with symptoms lasting for several weeks to months. In extreme cases, EKC can damage the cornea, requiring surgical intervention
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage: Viral eye infections can occasionally cause subconjunctival hemorrhages, characterized by red patches resulting from ruptured blood vessels in the white part of the eye. While typically not painful, affected individuals may find it disconcerting.

Long-term Effects: Persistent or recurrent viral eye infections can have long-term detrimental effects on vision and eyesight. Without proper treatment, they may lead to corneal scarring, chronic dry eyes, and even vision loss.
Management and Prevention:
To prevent viral eye infections in Lahore and beyond, personal hygiene practices and public health initiatives must be combined. Key measures include
Hand Hygiene: Regular and thorough handwashing can significantly reduce the risk of infection, particularly after touching surfaces in public settings
Avoid Touching Your Eyes: To prevent the spread of viruses, refrain from touching your eyes with unwashed hands.
Avoid Close Contact: During viral outbreaks, maintaining distance from sick individuals and practicing social distancing can help curb the spread of the virus
Eye Protection: Wearing eye protection, such as glasses or goggles, can reduce exposure to airborne virus particles
Seek Medical Attention: If you suspect a viral eye infection, seek prompt medical assistance. Early detection and intervention can lower the risk of complications.
The rise in viral eye infections is negatively affecting the health and vision of Lahore’s residents. Factors like viral contamination, poor hygiene, close contact, and environmental conditions contribute to this problem. To mitigate the spread and impact of these infections and ensure a healthier and more resilient Lahore, preventive measures, including personal hygiene and public health programs, are paramount.


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